BAN504 – Reading Material

Challenging Topics in Bank Management

  1. The Changing Faces of Central Baning.pdf.
  2. Challanges of Central Banking Allan Greenspan.htm
  3. Centra lBanking Then and Now.htm
  4. Central Banking The Challanges Ahead.htm
  5. Central Banking Free Banking Financial Crises.htm
  6. Asset and Liability Management Slides.ppt Zipped
  7. Deposit Protaction Schemes.pdf
  8. Banking System Failures.pdf
  9. Banking Crices in Emerging Economies.pdf
  10. Enhancing Bank Transperancy.pdf
  11. Risk Management Systems ın Banks.htm
  12. Central Bank Duties Slides.ppt 175KB
  13. Mortgage Sub Prime Crises USA 200809 pps
  14. Payment Systems Mr.Simon Jarvis Presentation ppt
  15. Investment Banking Strategies ppt

Operations Management in Banks

  1. Bankalarda Operasyon Yönetimi Slide sunumu .pdf
  2. Digital Belge Digital Delil .docx 
  3. Block Chain & Bitcoin Sunumu .pdf
  1. Operational Management Advanced Measurement Approches June 2011 .pdf
  2. Principles for the sound management of operational risk  June 2011 .pdf
  3. What Makes a Bank Efficient?
  4. Sound Practices for the Management and Supervision of Operational Risk
  5. Guidelines on Operational Risk Management of Commercial Banks
  6. Measuring Operational Risk Management Systems under Basel 2
  7. Operational Risk Management
  8. Operational Risk Tarnsfer
  9. A User’s Guide for the Bank Holding Company Performance Report
  10. Capital Measurement Basel 2
  11. Commercial Bank Exemination Mannual
  12. E-Banking Initiatives
  13. Framework for Internal Control Systems in Banks
  14. Internal Audit in Banks
  15. Internal Convergence of Capital Standards Basel 2
  16. Managenet and Internal Control Evaluation
  17. Managing and Supervision of Cross Boarder E-Banking Sevices
  18. Operations Management New Computational Needs
  19. Operations Management Bank of America
  20. Operations Management San Francisco
  21. Outsourcing in Financial Institutions
  22. Payment Systems in Turkey
  23. Outsourcing in Banks ppt
  24. Subeler Cari ve Maliyetlerin Dagitilmasi
  25. Credit Card Business ppt
  26. Software Development And Bridge Building pdf
  27. Card Payment Systems Introduction ppt
  28. IT & Operations Management in Banks .ppt
  29. Internal Audit & Risk Management.pptx
  30. Recipe for Project Success
  31. Internal Audit & Risk Management by Garantibank.ppt
  32. Audit of Banks .ppt