INF509 – Reading Material
[expand title=”Türkçe Okumalar ve pptx” ]
- Mortgage Krizi Amerika’da Nasıl Çıktı? .pptx
- Yatırım Bankacılığı Power Point Sunumu .pptx
- Amerika Sub Prime Loans Mortgage Krizi ve Yatırım Bankalarının Rolü videosu
[expand title=”Board Photos” ]
- Duartion calculation table .jpg
- Investment Risk Stock Risk .jpg
- Types of Loan concentration .jpg
- Investment Bank’s Income Sources .jpg
- Private Equity Finance .jpg
- Bank Balance Sheet & Income Statement Relationship.jpg
- Mergers & Acquisitions M&A Why’s? & When? .jpg
- Acquisitions Asset & Stock .jpg
- Mergers statutory % subsidiary ,jpg
- Mezannine Capital & Venture Capital .jpg
- İTMK İpotek Teminatlı Menkul Kıymet ihracı ile VDMK Varlığa Dayalı Menkul Kıymet İhracı
- SWAP Transactions & Foreign Exchange Positions .jpeg
[expand title=”Articled in Investment Banking” ]
[expand title=”Power Point Presentations” ]
- . Investment Banking Strategies and Key Issues.ppt
- Venture Capital Company.ppt
- Morgan Stanley Key Suprises.pdf
- Trading and Capital Markets Activities Mannual.pdf
- Goldman Sacks Annual Report 2008.pdf
- Sub Prime Mortgage Loan Crises.ppt
- Bank Management slides.ppt
- 2008 USA Economic Crises subprime loans Video Presentation inside job
- Private Equity by Alaattin Yolaçtı .pptx
- Working Capital Management by Koray Erdoğan .ppt
[expand title=”Project Paper Sample Ratios” ]
Project Paper Sample Ratios Download
[expand title=”Reading Material in Investment Banking” ]
- Goldman Sacks Annual Report 2008 Financial Section
- Morgan Stanley Key Suprises
- Trading Capital Markets Manual
- IPO Process
- Company Valuation
- Business Valuation Methods
- Three Business Valuation Methods
- Investment Banking Chapter4 ppt
- Securitisations Chapter26 ppt
- Duration Analysis xls
- Private Equity presentation by Alaattin Yolaçtı .pptx
- Working Capital Management by Koray Erdoğan .ppt
- Bond Yield Duration Analysis .pdf
- The Decline of Investment Banking by Robert J.Rhee .pdf
- Mezzanine Capital .docx